PISTON denounces Israel’s murderous assault on the people of Palestine, which has escalated to horrifying levels and is characterized by the relentless bombing of Gaza aimed at obliterating the Palestinian people. In just two weeks, Israel has killed over 4,200 Palestinians, including around 2,500 innocent children, while displacing and starving over a million Palestinian people.…
PISTON extends its solidarity to over 50 non-unionised Uzbekistani and Georgian truck drivers working under service contracts with the Polish transport consortium Lukmaz, Agmaz and Imperia who have self-organized and engaged in a courageous strike for over two weeks at the Gräfenhausen rest area in Germany over unpaid wages and labor abuses. We join the…
한국 트럭 운전사들과의 연대합니다 PISTON stands in solidarity with the truck drivers in South Korea led by the Korean Public Service and Transport Workers’ Union (KPTU-TruckSol) as they hold their 10th day on strike sparked by the Korean government’s failure to meet its promises in legislating safe and fair rates of pay for road transport…