The modernization of the Philippine public transportation system can only be truly progressive if it is grounded in complete national independence from foreign dominance, a commitment to genuine agrarian reform, and a focus on national industrialization. These interconnected elements are essential for a transportation system that serves the needs of the people rather than foreign corporate interests.
However, Marcos Jr’s actions demonstrate a disregard for the plight of jeepney drivers, operators, and commuters. Ignoring the Senate’s call for the suspension of the Public Transport Modernization Program (PTMP) reveals a deliberate refusal to acknowledge the suffering caused by this program. Instead, it seems this regime’s priorities lie in benefiting businesses and bureaucrats, even if it means burdening hardworking citizens with excessive debts and fares.
In the face of growing poverty, unemployment, and the soaring cost of living, we cannot achieve genuine modernization as long as our leaders prioritize foreign and corporate interests over the well-being of the people. True progress requires a fundamental shift away from an unjust social system that perpetuates inequality and perpetually sidelines the needs of ordinary Filipinos.